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Their Stories

These are just a few of the requests and thank you notes that we’ve received over the past decade, of the people the Gurucharri Foundation has been able to help financially:

Case #1:

“We have a patient who need to pay for a hotel stay.  This patient’s house has major mold issues and she can no longer stay there.  Her insurance company will not pay for a hotel stay, nor will they pay to have her home cleared of mold.  She will be need to look for a new home.  In the mean time, she will have to stay in a hotel, which she cannot afford to do.”   – Social Worker, Missouri Cancer Associates.

This request was approved by the Foundation, and later we received the following thank you letter:

“I wanted to thank you to the MOON AND BACK!!  Today you made such a difference for one of our patients.  This patient needed help and you have gone above and beyond to help her.  She would have had nowhere to stay after tomorrow.  And taking a check by the hotel tonight after you got off work is so very nice of you!  Thanks again.”           -Social Worker, Missouri Cancer Associates.

Case #2:

“Please assist this patient.  She and her sister have both been going through breast cancer treatment for a year and are trying to help each other, but finances have been tight due to treatment.  Both are single mothers who have lost the fathers of their children during their cancer journeys, so they have had funeral costs to attend to as well.  Thank you for your consideration. ”

The Gurucharri Foundation paid for utilities.

Case #3:

The Foundation provided assistance to a local cancer patient, and later received this heart-felt thank you.

“To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to express my appreciation for the financial assistance the Gurucharri Foundation provided for me and my family this past October/November.  I was diagnosed with lung cancer in the Spring.  I had to quit mu job & go on SSI (which is not enough for a church mouse to live on).  In addition, I was extremely ill due to the intensive chemotherapy.  My bills piled up – I was robbing Peter to pay Paul and eventually it caught up.  Everything costs so much – I took things for granted when I was working.   Even thought things were financially tight, I was still able to cover my bills.

I am 58 years old.  I have not been on any type of government assistance since I was a young mother.  It was very difficult for me to swallow my pride and ask for assistance from anyone.  When the social worker from Missouri Cancer Associates told me about the Gurucharri FOundation, I was at my breaking point.

The Gurucharri Foundation paid for my delinquent telephone bill and for 2 cords of wood for heating this winter.  I am so thankful for the help.  In addition, the social worker explained to me how your foundation was established. I am very grateful that an agency out there understands how horrible things can get and didn’t make me feel like a low life for receiving help.

I cannot explain how much of a relief it was for me to get assistance from you.  I didn’t even know how scared I was until AFTER the bills were paid. I just would not allow myself to feel anymore fear – and I was so afraid.

Thank you once again.”

Case #4:

After providing assistance to a local family, the Foundation received this very nice thank you letter:

“Thank you seems like such a simple phrase and can be overused in some circumstances, but then there are times that thank you comes from genuine, heart-felt gratitude.  This is a time when the phrase doesn’t seem to be enough.

We cannot thank you enough for your generosity. In a time when things have been uncertain, it has been a huge lift to keep our little one happy and comforted by his daily schedule. He has been the light that helps us get through her cancer treatments.  We have learned a great deal from the kindness from friends and family and anonymous supporters.  Rest assured that we will pay it forward as we know just how hard this can be and how uplifting support can be when needed.  We “thank you” from the bottom of our hearts.”

Case #5:

“We truly appreciate what this foundation is doing to help those in need of help. Our story is pretty simple. We have had a mostly good life, but for whatever reason, we have not accumulated any savings for the more difficult or later years.

Now, being mostly past the earning years, we are facing substantial medical expenses with very limited funds.  I was diagnosed with prostate cancer this month. Although we have medicare and a good supplemental plan, we soon will be required to make daily trips out of town for cancer radiation treatments for at least 8 weeks.

Also, we are prescribed some rather costly drugs and have no drug coverage. Our current income is limited to Social Security benefits.

We will be most appreciative of any assistance.”

The Gurucharri Foundation was able to provide assistance for this gentleman to pay utilities and mortgage expenses.